
Earn some money by selling Japan Auction Sheet Verification Service

Carcheck Admin
in Carcheck.jp
Apr 12 ·

Do you know that if you are in one of the country that import Japanese cars into your country you could earn some money by selling auction sheet verification service.

Generally for the people in Japan, they will sell their cars in auction houses such as in the USS auction center. Before the car being place in an auction electronically. There will be an inspector that will check the car thoroughly, give grading, mark any imperfect condition and record the mileage.

Auction House Bidding
Car Buyer in Japan bidding using the auction house system.

How will you help other buyers from your country?

Imagine, if someone buy a car and get cheated, he or she will suffer the entire time of the car ownership. If the car being financed by the bank, it will suffer more. The common problem in this car industry that the seller will tamper the mileage or odometer to let the potential buyer know that the car has not been used much. They will also sometimes will get the cheapest car on the market which is mostly cars that has been involved in a car accident , repair it cosmetically and sell it at a higher price. Just by selling an auction report, basically you can show your customer the exact information of the car before the car being imported and transported to your country.

How can I resell the service?

It is very easy to resell the service, what you need to do is just register an account at carcheck.jp . Topup the service for 100 credits (you can resell 100 auction sheet or japan car history report) . Apply for a whitelabel partner service or API service if you have your own web developer

Car Auction Verification Service and Japan Car History Report Provider — carcheck.jp

How much can I earn?

Basically when I first started selling the service, I do it manually where a potential car buyer will straight message me via whatsapp to check and verify the auction service. But after I found carcheck.jp , an auction sheet verification service that provides API so that I can integrate to my own website. I resell the service via an API. Carcheck.jp also offer a whitelabel website for those people that do not want to engage web developer, the only things that you need to have are paypal account and a domain name. You can sell the service right away!

The cost for one auction sheet at carcheck.jp is $6 if you topup 100 credits (100 auction reports) . You can sell it for $15 or $20. So basically you can earn up to $14 dollars for each report. Your overhead is very very low because you only need to attend support as customer service and everything else is magic!

10 auction sheet sold each day will give you a wooping $140 dollars income a day. That is more than $4000 a month! Its a good passive income for me and might be good for your as well just by selling auction sheet verification service or Japanese car history.

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